smart trio – domestic ambient technology

Moving on from my final year project ec@h, I want to explore some other forms of data representation but not in static boring graphs, meaningless text messages and the like but to explore how ambient technology can actually become apart of a home’s interior. This is something which I wanted to do for my FYP but the end result of the physical object didn’t come out as I had hoped (due to resource & time restrictions). Now I have left university I would love to take the idea further and make some really cool but meaningful objects that act as more than just communication channels, but also as decorative and even theraputic objects.

The problem I mentioned with most new technological revelations and innovations is their apparent short life span. Smart meter interfaces get chucked out because the average homeowner has no idea how to use it, how to interpret it and where to put it – they aren’t exactly attractive items. This short life span and over complicated interface is the result of not looking at what home owners really care about. My dissertation highlighted anthropological, cultural and social aspects in the domestic space which these technical revelations still fail to address. They claim to be user centric in design but in practice they couldn’t be anymore further from it. Why is communication limited to numbers and figures, yes we understand what they mean, but outside of that they have no relation to the home as a space.

My idea stems from ambient orb technologies which there are thousands of. But to also consider the object form in more detail and as a more integral part to data communication. Using the functionality and semiotics of an object to contextualise very simple events I feel would be a great route to explore for changing how people see energy data and how they react on it.

Let me give you a quick example of what I mean, imagine a water fountain that had a variable speed pump. Now that pump changes the water flow rate depending on how efficient that homeowner uses their actual water around the house. Combine this with a simple message to a technology platform that is becoming a culturally embedded object and we have understanding and knowledge at a user level, but also more importantly, the system is accepted because the user likes it and is comfortable with it. We can’t expect machines to do everything for us, this is what separates my ideas from the many. Most solutions are leaning towards pure automation where everything is pretty much done for the user ubiquitously. By stripping away simple tasks such as switching lights off when leaving a room, turning taps fully off etc over generations to come our knowledge of how to address inefficiencies will slowly whittle away and when they technology fails we will be in trouble. My stance is that technology should take the path of helping people take the right actions and let them do it and teach future generations how to carry on doing it. Technology should be an aid and not a solution.

What I propose is a messaging framework where central data is allocated and plug-and-play decorative but smart devices can integrate with ease and start working (with low energy consumption ofc). At the heart of all these ideas is the idea on how to alert people in ways they can adapt to save energy and change their perception on their individual impact on the environment. Changing the culture behind energy consumption is key to creating a sense of urgency and helping users take the necessary actions to truly combat climate change. I also believe that by empowering people and not machines to be the root of these changes would allow it to be embraced to the en masse.

At the moment I have this idea for a trio of ambient devices each taking the form of the data they are representing.

Smart trio:

Water fountain – variable flow rates to represent the house’ water consumption (theraputic)

Plasma ball – colour changes indicative of the home’ energy consumption (also can be touched/played with)

LED candle – flicker speed and colour indicative of house’ heat

Uni over – leaving my mark @ Plymouth University

I have finally graduated with a 1st class honours and certificate of professional industrial experience with IBM in BSc Digital Art and Technology *breathes* so alas student life is officially over for me. I thought I would post some links to the IBM – Plymouth collaboration that I instantiated whilst on placement with IBM last year (2009-2010). I have also posted some links to my project blogs and videos for my modules.

University of Plymouth Launches Smarter Planet Lab     |    Image Gallery

Interviewed for a video talking about my experiences on placement with IBM

Final Year Project: ec@h: Energy Change at Home

Project Website     |      My Blog

Emoti-Colour Navigation

Blog here


Ambiquitous Sound

Blog Here

Soundcloud and my new music addiction to Dan Tompkins

Firslty, SoundCloud. I really envision this as being another advertising platform for unsigned and signed bands. Utilising the network of networks paradigm, it is quite easy to find an artist you like, and explore what they in turn like and thus an exploration of music begins. The soundcloud platform itself offers the ability to tag  songs at certain sections.

Secondly, Dan Tompkins. I went on a bit of a “djent” spree with my music (as much as I hate stereotyping) this genre of music is so awesome! At the moment I am really loving TesseracT and Periphery each interpreting this style in their own unique ways. My hat goes off to Dan Tompkins however… dayum this guy can sing! Going back to soundcloud I heard there was a tune uploaded featuring Dan Tompkins and one of my fav guitarists ever – Marty Freidman! Freidman will and will always be a legend in my book and has written probably the BEST metal solo in history with Tornado of Souls for Megadeth. Hearing these 2 guys together is so cool check out their track:

So I went to listen to this track on soundcloud and started looking through all of Dan Tompkins’ uploads. I stumbled upon 2 other bands which he has featured in or been apart of First Signs of Frost and PIANO. They aren’t djent like Tesseract but again, dayum he can sing! The Saviour and Wire Forms are both excellent tracks, really catchy guitar leads and melodical riffs as well as near perfect vocals.

I really hope Dan continues work with his side project PIANO. I am absolutely addicted to Actions Speak Louder than Words at the moment – take a listen below before exploring his soundcloud profile. new central website

Read some good reviews of this very minimal service, gave it a test and I am really loving it! Here is a quick sneakshot of my profile using their limited options… as you can see you can get very professional looking results from it. Vist the actual site here:

Final Year Dissertation: Ubiquitous Computing in the Domestic Space for Environmental Sustainability

Here is a download link to my dissertation: Ubiquitous Computing in the Domestic Space for Environmental Sustainability


Action List… ToDo

As Uni is coming ever closer to ending I’m buried under a mess of odd bits and bobs to do which I need to get on the cloud *cough* my blog…

Production of Space:

  1. Produce the Demo Video
  2. Finish Blog
  3. Produce wiring diagrams, CD with source code + submission material


  1. Get amplitude controlling servo and attach to camera!
  2. Blog work
  3. Submission content


  1. Finish it!
  2. Proof readers (mum, gf, sister, me, 1 other)
  3. Recheck references
  4. Print it and bind it! (Uni)

Final year Project:

  1. Plan action list > Gant chart
  2. Acquire pieces for the physical computing side
  3. Think about submission (video, simulated data for live demo?)


Graduate Job Hunting

I really don’t have time to be applying for anymore places now which gives me a bit more time to focus on uni and getting a good mark! I recently looked at FDM and their infrastructure consultancy roles… some digging around reveals that they’re actually quite bad and should be a LAST last resort. Forum here is a starting point:

I should be able to apply for IBM again in June and I also have Accenture on the table so fingers crossed for them.

Really interested in consultancy around infrastructure services and will spend some quality time researching, skilling up and applying to places post uni.

Viglen MPC-L

Just received my new home server and currently updating version 8.04 > 10.04 LTS (yes I can’t be bothered with 10.10 just yet). So far I’m quite impressed with the tiny device… if it wasn’t for the power and activity LED I wouldn’t even know it was on.

Things to do:

  1. Update to a stable 10.04 build
  2. Setup SSH
  3. Setup VNC
  4. Change Hostname
  5. Get swap partitions working properly!
  6. Install google power meter and hook up my CC128 Envi
  7. DHCP server
  8. NAS with my ext 1TB drive
  9. Install Java
  10. Google Chrome > remove FF
  11. RSMB
  12. Mail archiving system (local copy)
  13. SMS gateway software
  14. Torrent Server
  15. Remove unwanted stuff (deflates the OS)


Finally signed up to spotify! I have recently made that transition between social media and music and find myself actually needing the added functionality spotify offers to share music with my mates… hence the recent sign up!

Also on a side note, I have become addicted to a new band… Death Signal! Savagely good guitarists that have unseen amounts of potential (musically) that their current tunes do not reflect in the slightest. This sounds bad? Well no because I think their music is kick ass, and given the young age of the band I expect some really amazing things from them. Can’t believe I actually found them by youtubing a video of Chris Feener playing my fav Megadeth solo – Tornado of souls… then the viral chain of youtube recommendations led me to this band. AWESOME!


Check out my spotify list 😛  -> spotify:user:nicktriller:playlist:2ZwvOAooYFmN9XU7D6PQq8